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Firestorm (F) Calls down 6 waves of fire that damage enemy units in an area. Each wave deals initial damage and then burns enemies for 2 seconds. Level 1 - 25 wave damage, 5 dps Level 2 - 40 wave damage, 10 dps Level 3 - 55 wave damage, 15 dps Level 4 - 70 wave damage, 20 dps Mana Cost: 100/110/120/130 Cooldown: 14 seconds | |||
Pit of Malice (T) A deadly pit is conjured at target location. Any unit that enters it becomes corrupted with malicious forces and are unable to move for some time. Level 1 - 1.5 seconds Level 2 - 2 seconds Level 3 - 2.5 seconds Level 4 - 3 seconds Mana Cost: 100/115/130/145 Cooldown: 24/21/18/15 seconds | |||
Expulsion (E) Ignites the rotten gases of corpses, detonating them to cause damage to any enemy within the explosion radius. Each explosion fuels another until there are no more corpses in the area. Does a ministun on damaged units. Level 1 - 20 damage per corpse Level 2 - 40 damage per corpse Level 3 - 60 damage per corpse Level 4 - 80 damage per corpse Mana Cost: 75 Cooldown: 10 seconds | |||
Dark Rift (D) Opens rifts that pass through the netherworld at his present position and a target unit simultaneously. Teleports your hero and nearby allied heroes through the rift. Level 1 - 6 Second Casting Delay. Buildings only. Level 2 - 5 Second Casting Delay. Units or Buildings. Level 3 - 4 Second Casting Delay. Units or Buildings. Mana Cost: 75/150/225 Cooldown: 180/160/140 seconds |
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Vacuum (C) Creates an abyss upon a chosen parameter, pulling in and damaging foes in the area. Level 1 - 60 Damage, 300 AOE Level 2 - 120 Damage, 400 AOE Level 3 - 180 Damage, 500 AOE Level 4 - 240 Damage, 800 AOE No longer goes through magic immunity Damage type: magical This ability will interrupt channeling spells and items. Drags units over 0.3 seconds. Mana Cost: 100/130/160/190 Cooldown: 16 | |||
Ion Shell (E) Surrounds a target with energized spellwork, creating a shield that causes damage per second to enemy units who come in contact with it. Lasts 15 seconds Level 1 - 30 damage per second Level 2 - 45 damage per second Level 3 - 60 damage per second Level 4 - 75 damage per second Mana Cost: 60/80/100/120 Cooldown: 7 | |||
Surge (R) Floods a target with excess power, removing most negative buffs from it and giving it maximum speed for brief period of time. Level 1 - Lasts 3 seconds. Level 2 - Lasts 4.5 seconds. Level 3 - Lasts 6 seconds. Level 4 - Lasts 7.5 seconds. Mana Cost: 20/30/40/50 Cooldown: 12/11/10/9 | |||
Wall of Replica (W) Raises a wall out of pure mana across the landscape. Heroes who attempt to pass through it will have images of themselves emerge from the wall to serve under the Dark Seer until the wall's duration is up. Images take 250% damageand deal 35%. Level 1 - Lasts 15 seconds. Level 2 - Lasts 30 seconds. Level 3 - Lasts 45 seconds. Mana Cost: 200/300/400 Cooldown: 100 Cast Range: 500/900/1300 |
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Shuriken Toss (T) The Bounty Hunter throws a shuriken at a target unit, dealing damage. Level 1 - 100 damage. Level 2 - 200 damage. Level 3 - 250 damage. Level 4 - 325 damage. Mana Cost: 90/ 115/ 135/ 155 Cooldown: 10 | |||
Jinada (J) Gives a % chance to evade attacks and 15% chance to deal extra damage. Level 1 - 5% dodge, 1.25 critical multiplier. Level 2 - 10% dodge, 1.5 critical multiplier. Level 3 - 15% dodge, 1.75 critical multiplier. Level 4 - 20% dodge, 2 critical multiplier. Mana Cost: N/A Cooldown: N/A | |||
Windwalk (W) Turn invisible for a period of time. Deals bonus backstab damage. Level 1 - 30 backstab damage, lasts 15 seconds. Level 2 - 60 backstab damage, lasts 20 seconds. Level 3 - 90 backstab damage, lasts 25 seconds. Level 4 - 120 backstab damage, lasts 30 seconds. Mana Cost: 50 Cooldown: 25 | |||
Track (R) Tracks an enemy unit for 90 seconds or until it dies. If you kill a hero, you pawn its head for extra money. Each level decreases the cooldown and increases the cast range. It also gives 20% bonus movement speed to Bounty Hunter Level 1 - Any hero kill is worth 50 bonus gold, reduces target`s armor by 1. Level 2 - Any hero kill is worth 100 extra gold, reduces target`s armor by 2. Level 3 - Any hero kill is worth 150 extra gold, reduces target`s armor by 4. Mana Cost: 50 Cooldown: 10 the guide GONDAR THE BOUNTY HUNTER Bottle is good for Gondar as he will be hunting and ganking his prey early game. It solves his mana problems during that stage. Deso is the cheapest way to increase his damage, and it synergizes well with Track’s armor reduction. BoT allows better chasing. MKB is the next best way to increase his DPS to gear him for the late game. If the game lasts longer, a Heart should be gotten to increase his HP, followed by Assault Cuirass and/or a second MKB. |
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Purification (R) Instantly heals a friendly unit and damages all nearby enemy units. Level 1 - Purifies 90 hit points. Level 2 - Purifies 180 hit points. Level 3 - Purifies 270 hit points. Level 4 - Purifies 360 hit points. Mana Cost: 100/ 120/ 140/ 160 Cooldown: 12 seconds | |||
Repel (E) Creates a powerful divine ward that blocks all magic from affecting a target unit. Level 1 - Lasts 5 seconds. Level 2 - Lasts 10 seconds. Level 3 - Lasts 15 seconds. Level 4 - Lasts 20 seconds. Mana Cost: 60/ 70/ 80/ 90 Cooldown: 20 | |||
Degen Aura (U) Greatly degenerates the movement capabilities of units that stray too near. Level 1 - Reduces movement speed by 7%. Level 2 - Reduces movement speed by 14%. Level 3 - Reduces movement speed by 21%. Level 4 - Reduces movement speed by 28%. Mana Cost: N/A Cooldown: N/A | |||
Guardian Angel (G) Grants all nearby friendly units near physical invulnerability and increases hit point regeneration greatly. Level 1 - Lasts 5 seconds. Level 2 - Lasts 7 seconds. Level 3 - Lasts 9 seconds. Mana Cost: 125/ 175/ 250 Cooldown: 150 the guide PURIST THUNDERWRATH THE OMNIKNIGHT* Omniknight is a support hero. His spells reflect that. Therefore he should get support items. Arcane Ring gives Omniknight a much cheaper source of mana regen than Guinsoo. Necrobook is great for Omniknight, as it synergizes well with Degen Aura, and gives a nice boost in his mana and strength. Mekansm is another great supportive item on Omni. BoT is obtained next so that nobody can escape you, and since he needs to be with his allies always, BoT is pretty important for Omniknight. Radiance further helps |
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Curse of the Silent (C) Afflicts enemies with the Curse of the Silent. The target will lose 50 HP and 25 mana per second until it casts a spell. Level 1 - Lasts 2 seconds. Level 2 - Lasts 4 seconds. Level 3 - Lasts 6 seconds. Level 4 - Lasts 8 seconds. Mana Cost: 105/115/125/135 Cooldown: 20 seconds | |||
Glaives of Wisdom (G) Nortrom's Glaives are enchanted by his experience in magic. Dealing extra damage based on his Intelligence. Level 1 - Deals 15% of your intelligence in bonus damage. Level 2 - Deals 30% of your intelligence in bonus damage. Level 3 - Deals 45% of your intelligence in bonus damage. Level 4 - Deals 60% of your intelligence in bonus damage. Orb effects do not stack Buff placers do not stack Mana Cost: 15 Cooldown: 3/2/1/0 | |||
Last Word () Causes any unit under the effect of this aura to become silenced after it finishes casting a spell. Has a 900 AOE. Level 1 - 0.75 second. Level 2 - 1.5 seconds. Level 3 - 2.25 seconds. Level 4 - 3 seconds. The aura will be disabled when Nortrom is silenced. Channeling skills will activate this even if they are canceled. Silencer will permanently steal 1 Intelligence from any enemy hero that dies within 950 range. Mana Cost: N/A Cooldown: N/A | |||
Global Silence (E) Stops all enemies on the map from casting spells. Level 1 - Lasts 3 seconds. Level 2 - Lasts 4 seconds. Level 3 - Lasts 5 seconds. Mana Cost: 250/350/450 Cooldown: 160 second the guide NORTROM THE SILENCER Nulls are IMO better than Bracers because it amplifies Silencer’s glaive damage. However, you may get Bracers if facing heavy nukers. Guinsoo is without a doubt the best item for Silencer, giving him damage, glaive damage, mana regen, and a disable to boot. BoT is obtained to help at chasing and teleporting. IMO it’s better than Treads. Silencer can improve his AS through Hyper Stone. Linken’s is listed as the final item as Silencer makes use of all 3 stats. If the game drags on, upgrade Hyper Stone to Assault Cuirass, followed by Skadi, Butterfly and/or Radiance |