| Rikimaru - The Stealth Assassin Range: 125 | Move Speed: 300 Primary: AGI Str: 17 + 2 | Agi: 22 + 2.9 | Int: 14 + 1.3 Damage: 46 – 50 | HP: 473 | Mana: 182 HP Regen: 0.76 | Mana Regen: 0.57 Attack Speed: 1.29 | Armor: 3
| Born as the heir to the satyr dominion, Rikimaru was trained by the mightiest warriors of his race. However, the power of the Burning Legion managed to corrupt many of his kind, leaving them as mindless beasts in the forest. Vowing revenge against the Scourge, he sharpened his skills for battle. Using his small size to his advantage, he can render himself invisible, enabling him to stab his enemies in the back. And by using thick smoke as cover he becomes nearly untouchable. |
|  | Blink Strike (B) Teleports to an enemy and strikes at it, dealing bonus damage. Level 1 - Deals 30 extra damage. Level 2 - Deals 60 extra damage. Level 3 - Deals 90 extra damage. Level 4 - Deals 120 extra damage. Mana Cost: 50 Cooldown: 30/ 20/ 10/ 5 |  | Smoke Screen (C) Throws a smoke bomb down in the area, silencing opponents and causing them to miss on most of their attacks. Also slows by 25% at all levels. Doesn`t silence item spells. Lasts 7 seconds. Level 1 - 250 AoE, 50% miss. Level 2 - 275 AoE, 60% miss. Level 3 - 300 AoE, 70% miss. Level 4 - 325 AoE, 80% miss. Mana Cost: 75/ 80/ 85/ 90 Cooldown: 15 |  | Backstab (K) The Stealth Assassin isn`t afraid to fight dirty, and specializes in attacking his opponents from behind. Level 1 - Deals .25x the Agility of the SA to the target. Level 2 - Deals .5x the Agility of the SA to the target. Level 3 - Deals .75x the Agility of the SA to the target. Level 4 - Deals 1x the Agility of the SA to the target. Mana Cost: N/A Cooldown: N/A |  | Permanent Invisibility (E) Hero becomes permanently invisible when not attacking. Level 1 - 3.5 second fade time. Level 2 - 2.5 second fade time. Level 3 - 1.5 second fade time. Mana Cost: N/A Cooldown: N/A the guide
      Riki’s items are mostly about adding agility, which is his much needed damage output skill. Manta Style synergizes well with increasing agility, and allows Riki to create confusion, even if the opposing side has true sight. Diffusal is also handy in mid-game ganks and kills. Yasha provides a cheap boost in agility. Linken’s is listed as final item as the stats benefit both Riki and his images. Should the game last any longer, get Butterfly, followed by Buriza. |
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